No SMS available to show here.Business Listings Jinnah Hospital Lahore Jinnah hospital is 1250 bed teaching hospital with 114% bed occupancy. It is attached to Allam Iqbal Medical College, Lahore. It has got almost all the specialties in the medical field. In this part of the world, Jinnah hospital is providing medic... Integrating Ventures (Pvt.) Ltd. Integrating Ventures is a premier consultancy company providing excellence in organizational development, strategies, training and capacity building of numerous organizations through innovation, impact and influence with credibility, collaboration an... PACIFIC SURGICALS Founded in 1991, Pacific Surgicals has since become a world leader in dental, Orthodontic instrument, Surgical, Beauticare instruments, Orthopedic instruments, Opthalmic instruments, Electro surgical manufacturing. Today, we take a broader view of th... JINNAH COMPUTER CENTER QUETTA ."come to gain and leave to serve" Jinnah Science Coaching Center New Killi Quetta ,Presented JINNAH COMPUTER CENTER...... Addmission are open... form 15 August 2013 under the supervion of highly qualified teachers from karachi and Quetta. So why ur... Dell Precision 470 Dual Processor 3.0 GHZ (4MB CACHE) Want to sale My Dell 470 (MINI TOWER) (CHEAPEST) (URGENT SALE) Dual PROCESSORS 3.0 = 3.0 + 3.0 = 6.0 GHZ EACH PROCESSOR 2MB CACHE = 2 +2 = 4MB CACHE POWERFUL PROCESSORS AND 4MB CACHE MEMORY Mother Board Original Intel E7525 (Dual Core Xeon Supporte... |