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Business Listings Warlox pvt ltd Warlox is one of the leading mobile app development and outsourcing company based in Pakistan Bolan Medical College Quetta Bolan Medical College as seat of Medical Education in the Province of Balochistan has a checkered history. After partition the country was deficient in trained manpower, especially in the medical field. To fill the gap in a short period of time the ... Shaukat Khanum Memorial Cancer Hospital and Research Centre Over the past decade, Shaukat Khanum Memorial Cancer Hospital & Research Centre has established itself as a centre of excellence providing comprehensive care free of cost to thousands of indigent cancer patients. This pioneering, state-of-the-art hos... Hero Tab Hybrid Dragon (Free Delivery) 14499/= http://newztech.com/products.php?556 AIMS EDUCATIONAL SYSTEMS AIMS EDUCATIONAL SYSTEMS +92-51-2251922 House#9 , Street# 49 , F-8/4, Islamabad Owned By: Almas Ayub Sabir |