shaher yar ahmed 's Profile
354profile visits
Business Listings Islamabad College of Management & Design - ICMD Islamabad College of Management & Design (ICMD), is operating as a degree college of professional studies in the Islamabad Capital Territory of Pakistan since April 1999. The College was established through the bold initiative of its principal - a yo... Import and Export Management System(Local Languages) Import and Export Management System(Local and International Languages- English,Urdu,Balochi,Brahui,Sindhi and Pashtu) Cloud Based Online Software Modules: Features: Multiple Offices Management System Opening & Closing Day Book Garhi Register Ac... Madina masjid madina masjid situated at ayub stadium.It was built specialy for the players to offer the prayer during their games Meezan Bank There are three branches of meezan bank in quetta.One of this is situated at Mannan chowk Sunfort Hotel, Lahore The Sun Fort Hotel is located in famous area of Gulberg Lahore. There are major business, shopping and dining places near to this hotel. The Sun Fort Hotel is created for fulfilling the business tourist needs. This hotel is offer to the visitor rooms... |