Raise in power, POL prices to cause increase in CNG tariff: APCNGA
- October 3, 2013, 7:47 pm
- Business News
Islamabad, Oct 03 (Online): The All Pakistan CNG Association (APCNGA) on Thursday said extraordinary upward revision in the tariff of electricity and petroleum prices will result in increase in the price of Compressed Natural Gas (CNG).
The recent price revision by the authorities was unjustified which will unleash a new era of double-digit inflation, turmoil and unrest as masses will find it difficult to manage meals or travel, said Ghiyas Abdullah Paracha, Chairman Supreme Council APCNGA.
In a statement issued here today, he said that decision regarding CNG loadshedding should be taken back to shield masses from negative impact of inflation.
He said that since one month, government has pushed up the electricity tariff for the CNG filling stations by Rs 6 per unit which should be reversed as it has hit the CNG operators badly.
Ghiyas Paracha said that increased price of power, petrol, diesel and dollar as well as weakness of local currency have badly damaged all the economy including the CNG sector.
Government should immediately reverse the prices or notify new CNG price otherwise owners of the CNG filling stations would be left with only options to close business resulting in hardships for the masses.
He said that if government is bent upon steep rise in power prices then it should ensure uninterrupted power supply to the CNG sector.
The leader of the CNG sector said that a lot of burden has been shifting on masses which call for abandoning loadshedding of the CNG sector to reduce oil import bill as well as inflation and to boost forex reserves and environment.
He said that government has made an unprecedented hike in prices of electricity and petroleum products just to fulfil the IMF conditions and please the foreign powers at the cost of the poor masses.