Tenth Urs of Hazrat Sakhi Sultan

  • September 30, 2013, 7:35 pm
  • National News

Jhang, Sept 30 (Online): The tenth Urs of Hazrat Sakhi Sultan Muhammad Asghar Ali (RA), the sixth Sultan al-Faqr, was commemorated at the shrine of Hazrat Sakhi Sultan Bahoo (RA) at Jhang.

The Urs was organised by the movement founded by the Saint, the Islahee Jamaat and Aalmi Tanzeem ul Arifeen.

Addressing the occasion, Sahabzada Sultan Ahmed Ali said that the message of Hazrat Sakhi Sultan Asghar Ali (RA) is not for a particular group, sect or religion. His message of success through faith and belief in the Prophet Hood is for all of humanity.

He said that every time and place has needed a guide to strengthen humanity’s connection with the Lord of the Universe, to make the Earth an abode of love and peace. Such a guide who is enlightened with gnosis, is called a Murshid in the terminology of Sufism and Islamic Mysticism.

Finding such a guide is necessary for each believer as Allah has explained the journey of Prophet Moses (AS) seeking Prophet Khizr (AS) in great detail in Sura Kahaf.

The Quran has expressed two kinds of vows, both of which the Companions took before the Holy Prophet (PBUH). The first relates to individuality and the purification of the self, while the second to establishment of religion and social stability.

The conditions of the first vow are to not take partners with Allah Almighty, abstaining from sins like stealing, committing adultery, infanticide, false accusations and persevering with good deeds.
The conditions of the second vow, however, deal with the collective and depend upon association with the body of believers, heeding the commands of the leader with complete faith and following the guide with conviction. Moreover, this was why commandments for migration and Jihad were made.

He added that the world of today needs a stable society. The individual and collective evil found in the world today resembles what was found in the pre-prophetic era. Girls were buried alive then while pregnancies are aborted today in the name of moderation, which is a form of infanticide.

If we consider the present, we find khanqahi and mystic circles only speaking of a vow for personal purification. Organisations speaking of religious enforcement only speak of Jihad.

Whereas per the Prophetic tradition, vows pertaining to both domains are necessary. The purpose of self purification is to struggle for the establishment of true religion. It is through establishing religion that a society of justice and piety could be created that rids us of the evils of social hierarchies, obscenity, perversity, feudalism and hereditary entitlement.