International conference on Dynamic Trends in Plant Sciences
- May 10, 2017, 12:18 pm
- National News
QUETTA May 9 (PPI): Drought has caused negative impacts on Balochistan. International and national experts should guide to on basis of their knowledge and experience to turn this region green again. Effects of envorinemtnal changes have also affected paksitan as elswehre in the world. AWater rosurces in quetta are depleting and udnergorund water level has dropped to one thousand feet. Due to drought herbsm shrubs and forsts have destroyed and mountains turn barren. Pakistan has two percent of its area under forest.
Thes views wer expressed by Balochistna Govenror Muhamamd Khan Achakzai while addressing opening ceremony of 6 th International and 15 th National conference on Dynamic Trends in Plant Sciences at SBK Women University here Tuesday.
EXprts from Paksitna and abroad also addressed on the occasion.
Governor said that effect of environmental changes have also affected paksitan. In Quetta water level has dropped to one thousand feet. To save water resourvoirs measures are very much necessary. Drought has destroyed forests in Baohcistan and mountains barren. Balochsitan has different fruits and vegetables than other provinces. There is need fore more rearch on them. Exprts should guide by their knowledge and experience to turn it green again. Common man has to be given awarenesss on environment. Holding 15 different conferences in quetta on important subject tof Botany would be an important sources of mutual coordination among students and teachers.