Sardar Rind speaks
- February 27, 2017, 11:08 pm
- National News
QUETTA Feb 27 (PPI): Concrete measures under comprehensive strategy and clear mechanism are needed for end to terrorism. In the name of restoration of peace local Pashtoons disgrace is not acceptable at all. Government should avoid balanced treatment with local Pashtoons and foreign refugees.
This was stated by President Pakistan Taehreek Insaf Balochistan Sardar Yar Muhammad Rind here Monday.
He said action against local people on linguistic basis would become cause of hate among nations living in the country which I poison for national solidarity.
Sardar Rind said indiscriminate action against terrorism is important nee do time but action against any specific local tribe without caring for noble and sane people is negation of justice. He said declaring suspected by business or nation process of social distribution is not only affect centuries old exemplary atmosphere of brotherhood among segments living in Pakistan by such ineffective strategy.
He said local Pashtoon tribes are also affected and worried due to anti social activities of foreign refugees and they also want their removal.
He said use of worth Pathan instead of foreign refugees was becoming cause of hatred among different units living in Pakistan and it was causing negative impact on national cohesion of federal units which is not good sign.
Presidnet PTI Balochistan said PTI rejects such discriminatory process which damages national cohesion and hated takes birth among local tribes.
He said there must be a clear difference between respectable Pashtoon brothers and foreign refugees and action should be confined to criminal elements and dignity of local Pashtoon brothers should be kept respectable at every cost.