Census Schedule in Balochistan

  • February 7, 2017, 9:58 pm
  • National News

QUETTA Feb 7 (PPI): Schedule for census to be commenced on March 15, 207 has been issued. Census is being conducted after 119 years.

According to schedule census would be conducted in 62 out of 147 districts of the country under first phase and in 85 districts under the second.

First phase would start from March 15 to April 15 while second would start from April 25 till Mary 25.

Census would be held in 8 districts of Sindh including Karachi and Hyderabad while in 21 districts census would be held under second phase.

Similarly census would be conducted in 13 districts of Pashtoonkhwa including first while in 11 districts it would carried out under second phase.

Census would be held in 15 districts of Balochistan including in first phase and in 17 districts in the second phase

In Azad Kashmir census would be held in five districts each in first and second phase. Similarly there will be census in five districts each in Gilgit Baltistan in first and second phase. Cereus would be conducted in one agency of FATA under first phase and in six agencies under the second phase.

Preliminary results would be prepared in two months after completion of census.