QESCO recover stolen goods

  • February 5, 2017, 9:53 pm
  • National News

QUETTA Feb 5 (PPI): Quetta Electric Supply Company staff recovered large quantity to f stolen goods form Khaliqabad area.

QESCO Sources said Sunday that QESCO teams were working on the repair of 132 kv transmission lines and 11 kv lines affected by recent rains and snowfall.

XEN Karam Bakhsh Badini was tipped that during snowfall thieves had stolen Braces of 132 kv transmission line, conductors, nut bolts and conductors of 11 kv line. These stolen goods have been loaded on a truck in Khaliqabad area.

Chief Executive officer Engineer Rehmatullah Baloch contacted Senator Kabir Ahmed Muhammad Shehi, local administration of Khaliqabad and Assistant Commissioner Sultan Bugti. On the directives of Senator Kabir local administration under the supervision of Assistant Commissioner took action and recovered stolen goods form a truck. Inmates of the truck were also arrested.

It is added here that form past some time some people were stealing Braces of 132 kv transmission lines, nut bolts and other electrical goods in Mastung –Khaliqabad-Kalat area. This not only caused QESCO properties but consumers were also suffering form suspension of lines.