Governor Muhammad Khan Achakzai whle speaking with a delgation
- January 25, 2017, 11:12 pm
- National News
QUETTA Jan 25 (PPI): It is our good luck our province is not only rich in natural resources and minerals but local people are also imbued with several capabilities. These abilities and roeusrces can be utilized in vbest itneres tof nation and country to have self sufficiency.
This was stated by Balochistna Governor Muhammad khna Achakzai whle speaking with a delgation her Wednesday. Delgationw asheaded by Coordinator to Chief Misniter Sardar Muhamamd Najeeb sanjrani.
At their meting they exchanged views on people friendly policies of present govenrment. Overall lawand order situation and eliminationof terrorism.
Governor said that to apprise pipeline forth province with rapidly changing world , harmonizing to its demand particularly political and economic changes taking plac eint he region and benefit form their fruits a comprehensive stragety is direly needed as to provide basic facilities of health, education and clean drinking water to all the districts of Balochistan particularly most backward areas.
He said it is duty of people’s representative and responsible people to provide results of all development projects to the people at their doorsteps.
Delegaiton apprised Govenror of problems of Distric Tchagai including euciaotnl healthand other dififuclties. Govenror said we have provided several rpejcts to district form our own develometn funds and assured of possible cooperation onwards.