Sirajul Haq-Balochistan delegation

  • December 28, 2016, 1:05 pm
  • National News

QUETTA Dec 27 (PPI): Thiefe of today or yesterday all shold be made accountable. Presnet govnerment has strangled in Panama leak and was striving to get rid ofit but with passage of time days of its fall were also nearing. Unless goenrmetn returns looted wilth by admitting facts and seeks forgiveness form nation it cannot get rid of its difficulties.

These views wereexpressed by Amir Jamaat islami Senatorsirajul haq whie speaking with a delegation whidh met him udner th eleaderhsi of Naim amir JI Balochsitan Bashir Ahmed Mandai.

Sirajul haq said none can deny importnac eof CPEC but dismantling local ppopulace form its native areas and settling peoel form other areas there is not acceptable at any cost. It it hated against Fedraitonfo paksitan.Livelihood of fishermen of Gwadar was being snatched and instead of creating ease for them they have bene ivnovled ins eirous dififuclties.

He said on one side CPEC is being termed as source of progress nd prosperity and game changer whie there is such deprivation there is no teacher in the schools anddoctors at the hospital sin the province. Patients get medicines form the govenrment hospitals nor ther eisarrnagement for educiaton at the educiatonal institutions. World was making progress and poverty ws increasing in our country.

He said there is need to hug Baloch instead of purshing them to the wall. Prime Minsiter failed to give any revoluiontary programme during his visit o Gwadar.

He said Jamaat islami would launch movement for security of rights of people of Baohcistan wnd would raise voice against every excess.