Amir JI Balochistan, President AK foundation open mosque

  • October 17, 2016, 9:54 pm
  • Breaking News

QUETTA Oct 17 (PPI): Masajid are social and spiritual hubs of Muslims. Those habilitating masajid are specific people of Almighty Allah. By equipping of peace, justice, prosperity and light people can be saved form sins.

These views were expressed by Amir Jamaat Islami Balochistan Abdul Haq Hashmi and President Al Khidmat Foundation Muhammad Asim Sanjrani while inaugurating Masjid Abdul Hameed Al Baloshi at Sariab Customs here Monday.

They said enemies of Islam have targeted mosques to hit Islamic teachings and Ulema. Why loud speakers of those spreading vulgarity are not seen to those imposing ban on use of loud speakers of mosques.

They said Al Khidmat Foundation has earned name by serving people honestly. All projects of Al Khidmat are completed with the cooperation of philanthropists. We are trying to overcome grief and worries of people by receiving their cooperation.

Asim Sanjrani told that this mosque has been completed at a cost of Rupees 1.3 million in view of people’s desire and need.