Controller BISE Exams visit examination centers

  • March 17, 2016, 10:23 am
  • Education News

HQ City Report

QUETTA: The Controller Examinations, Balochistan Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education (BISE), Syed Ebadullah Shah Gharsheen visited the examination centers established in different educational institutions here the other day.
The examination centers visited by him were established in the Helpers High School, High School Haji Ghaibi road, Girls High School, Satellite Town, Central High School, Taameer-e-Nau Public College, Technical High School, Islamia High School, Islamia College, Islamia Model High School.
During inspection, the papers of six students were cancelled on grounds of cheating and four mobile phones were confiscated.
Speaking on the occasion, the Controller Examinations directed to the examination supervisory staff to ensure prevention of cheating and use of unfair means in the examinations.
He also urged the teachers to play their role in elimination of cheating as well. He warned that the negligent staff would be relieved from their responsibilities.