Prime school blown up

  • January 25, 2016, 9:59 pm
  • Breaking News

MANJHIPUR Jan 25 (PPI): Armed men blew up a primary school in Goth Hamza Khosa near Manjhipur. No steps were taken either by education department or provincial government for its repair or rebuilding. With the result innocent children were acquiring education under open sky in harsh weather facing great difficulties.
According to a report armed men had blown Primary School in Goth Hamza Khosa near Manjhipur some time ago. But neither officers of education department or provincial government did bother to repair it or rebuild it. Now innocent children were accruing education under open sky in cold weather. Government silence is beyond understanding. Poor parents we sending their children to school despite paying huge fees but education department and provincial government wren to ready to repair and rebuild this school.
Social, political and people’s circles have demanded of the government to immediately carry out survey of this school and its rebuilding on emergency basis.