Wafaqi Mohtasib, NADRA provide computer lab for Quetta jail
- October 17, 2015, 11:16 am
- Breaking News
QEUTTA (PPI): A MoU has been sigh end with AIOU, HEC, COMSAT, Sweet Homes and Prison Department to bring improvements in the life of jail inmates so that they may become useful citizens after completion of their sentence.
This was stated by Hafiz Ahsan Ahmed Khokhar Senior Adviser Law, Grievance Commission for Overseas Pakistanis during his visit to Quetta jail Friday.
He was accompanied by Regional head Wafaqi Mohtasib Quetta, DG NADRA, Quetta, IG Prisons, DIG Prisons, Superintendent Central Jail Quetta and representatives of NGOs.
Giving an overview he said Federal Ombudsman Salman Faruqi on the direction of Supreme Court of Pakistan established a committee on Prisoners’ right under his chairmanship.
He said Wifaqi Mohtasib Secretariat has so far disposed off within prescribed time line of 60 days for each complaint. He stated that the Federal Ombudsman Secretariat has so far decided more than 186,000 complaints in last two years. He highlighted the systemic interventions made by Wifaqi Mohtasib Secretariat to improve the situation in different departments of federal government. He informed that for the welfare of Overseas Pakistanis five One-Window Facilitation Desks have been established at Lahore, Karachi, Islamabad, Peshawar and Quetta airports which are represented by 12 government departments.
He said on visiting different jails, it has been assessed that almost 70 percent prisoners are under trial which is one of the main causes of overcrowding in jails, therefore special measures are being adopted for the welfare of prisoners especially for children living with their mothers and women prisoners.
Commenting on education of prisoners he stated that the prisoners shall be asked to give their choice of course they want to undergo so that in the light of their response a strategy be devised for imparting education.
He said that the first sweet home for children living with their mothers in jails has already been inaugurated by Federal Ombudsman of Pakistan at Central Jail Lakpat Lahore.
Hafiz Ahsan Khokhar and DG NADRA inaugurated computer lab established by NADRA for computer courses of inmates of jail. NADRA established this facility separately for male and female inmates and 45 persons can be facilitated in first phase.
Vice Chancellor AIOU Shahid Siddiqi has gifted books to inmates studying in Matric, FA and BA. During visit gifts were also given to women and children.