No consensus on NAB Chairman: PM nominates name of Justice (Retd) Ejaz Chaudhry for slot

  • September 21, 2013, 6:52 pm
  • National News

ISLAMABAD, September 21 (Online): Prime Minister (PM) Nawaz Sharif and opposition leader in National Assembly (NA) Syed Khurshid Shah have not reached so far any consensus name for the appointment of chairman National Accountability Bureau (NAB).

The government has presented name of Justice (Retd) Ejaz Chaudhry for the slot of chairman NAB and both sides will hold further discussions in this regard.

Opposition leader Syed Khurshid Shah while talking to media men here Saturday after his second meeting with PM said “ this is not a game like playing as prince and princes. Whosoever assumes this office he will have to give in writing that he will not subject any person to personal vendetta l. Therefore, no haste should be shown on this count, he added. How a job which could not be completed within 3 months can be done within two or three days, he questioned.

“It is our endeavor to bring non controversial person so that the menace of corruption could be curbed”, he held.
“We are trying that this matter is decided ahead of PM departure to UN and if this decision is not before PM leaves for UN then the issue will be decided on his return to home”, he remarked.

Corruption is vital issue of the country, he said adding chairman NAB, therefore, should be such a person who could hold across the board and impartial accountability process.

Corruption is there in Pakistan as country is placed at 6th, 7th and 8th number among 157 countries in the perspective of corruption, he held.