Secretary Higher Education’s directives to exam staff

  • April 15, 2015, 10:24 am
  • Breaking News

HQ City Report

QUETTA: The Secretary Higher and Technical Education, Ghulam Muhammad Sabir has directed to the superintendents and other exam staff deputed in the exam centers to extend full cooperation with the district administration, divisional directors education, district education officers and other concerned officials during their visit to the centers.

According to an official hand out issued here, the Secretary Higher Education said that it has been noticed that the exam staff did not cooperate with the visiting concerned officials during their inspection and visit to the exam centers in different areas.

In this regard, he warned that stern action would be taken against the concerned exam staff in case of any complaint to be registered.

It may be mentioned here that the exam staff had not cooperated with the senior officers of education department during their visit to the exam centers in Sibi and Bhag areas.

The Secretary High Education took notice of the incident and directed to take action against those responsible.