Weight loss the healthy way- III

  • April 10, 2015, 10:11 pm
  • Health News

HQ City Report

QUETTA: Say no to fad diets and starving: Everyone’s believes that by giving up carbs and fats their weight will be reduce fast. But believe me none of them are manageable long-term and they wreak havoc with your metabolism. Because you are either starving yourself or you’re cutting out major food groups from your diet therefore after completion of diet when you started eating carbs and fat you again go back into weight gain mode which is even worse, because your body got adjusted to all that crazy fad stuff.
Eating out: If you go to a restaurant or a party, look for healthy choices salads, grilled meat (fish or chicken) with steamed veggies or some black beans or lentil soup would be a correct pick. Besides you can eat a small & healthy meal first before going out to eat, that way you won’t be starving and won’t need to eat a huge amount of unhealthy food and can also enjoy the fun hour with your friends and loved ones.
The 80/20 Rule: In order to achieve your targeted weight in a fun way stick to 80/20 rule. It’s “80 percent you eat healthy, 20 percent you can eat without thinking which is fine”. Start by eating healthily from Monday till Friday night. Saturdays and Sundays then become treat days during which you may choose to indulge in food that makes you happy. Many people just can’t eat as much as they did at weekend after they follow the 80/20 rule for a month or two- the five days rule start to extend into the weekend out of choice.
Weight loss tips can only work if you are motivated and not castigated for your weight issues. Therefore, if you have problems with your weight, do not get demoralised. Instead, egg on so that you achieve your desired weight. Combine all these tips with adequate exercise and avoid fried, processed, unhealthy food with preservatives for a leaner and fitter you.