Weight loss the healthy way-II

  • April 10, 2015, 10:55 am
  • Breaking News

HQ City Report

QUETTA: Nutritional Low-Cal Snacks: A combination of almonds and raisins is considered healthy. Walnuts are widely known as brain foods, it’s a good source of omega-3 fatty acids. All of these three will help in keeping you full and therefore, makes for a good snack. Mix it all in a proportion 1:2 and carry it along. Oats in the form bars and sugar free cookies are another healthy snack. It’s high in fibre and will keep you fuller for longer.
Fruits: Fresh fruits are also very good for your health. Simply munch on an apple, some melons, strawberries or an orange and you are good for the day.
Green Tea: It’s a great source of an antioxidant. Its speeds up your metabolism and contains fat burning agents. A cup or two of green tea a day will also help lower your levels of bad cholesterol.
Lemon: Vitamins C in lemon boosts metabolism, thus keeping you slim. Fresh lemon juice also cures acidity and helps keep chronic diseases at bay.
Cottage Cheese: Low fat cottage cheese is another healthy source of protein. It’s also a good source of calcium. The calcium helps you burn fat, resulting in a leaner you.
Eggs: Eggs are healthy source of protein. A medium size egg contains only 70 calories. Egg contains amino acid that aids fat loss. They also help to stabilise blood sugar and maintain lean muscle tissue.
Yoghurt: Yoghurt is also a good source of protein and calcium that helps you burn fat.
Sweet Potatoes: This is one side dish you can eat for a meal with a low glycamic index, they can easily satiate your sweet craving if you have a sweet tooth. They are also loaded with fibre that fills you up without making you feel sluggish.
Fish: Fish can also be called heart food as they are a good source of omega-3 fatty acids. These fatty acids increase insulin sensitivity which increases muscle mass that in return increases your ability to burn fat.
Broccoli: Broccoli is a great source of vitamin A, C and calcium too. Add it to whole wheat pasta for a wholesome low cal meal.
Sprouts & Pulses: Eating sprouted pulses, mung beans (moong daal), black chick peas, kidney beans also keeps you fuller for longer. They are also a good source of protein, essential vitamins and minerals too.
Note your food record: Write down your food intake daily makes you more aware of what you are eating and how many calories you are consuming. Having this information infront of you can make it easier to implement changes, but also makes it harder to deny that you are eating too much or the wrong food.