Weight loss the healthy way

  • April 9, 2015, 11:17 am
  • Breaking News

HQ City Report

QUETTA: It’s no secret that many of us would like to lose a few, or more than a few pounds. Unfortunately, many people start out with good intentions for weight loss, but get caught up in unhealthy routines that are not only ineffective for slimming down, they can even put your health at risk. Attempting to lose weight too quickly via crash diets or diet pills will be counter-productive in the long run. Losing weight doesn’t have to be stressful or complicated because a few simple things can make a big difference.
We are living in an era in which everyone is conscious about their appearance. People are spending large amount of their earnings on gym, diet food & dieticians due to their desire to lose weight but for many these activities may be hard to afford. When it comes to weight loss we usually overlook little things and focus on lifestyle overhaul.
Here are number of healthy activities which can be of great help in reducing weight.
Morning Exercise: Late meeting, evening events and so many things at home gets in the way of evening workouts for everyone but if you make an effort to become a morning exerciser, it will guaranteed that you fit in before your day got carried away and excuse popped up. Whether you like running in the park or follow a workout DVD in demand, ensure that you are getting enough exercise. It stimulates the body and triggers it to dissolve the fat deposits but exercise alone cannot help you loose those extra pounds. First few mornings will be hard, but eventually it will become a regular part of your routine. Research suggests that people who workout in the morning stick with the programs more successfully than those who don’t.
Drink up: Losing weight can be as easy as drinking water, literally. Not only will the 10-12 glasses a day give you glowing skin but drinking water can also suppress feelings of hunger by making the body feel full and therefore reduce our calorie intake so the next time you feel like eating a cookie, drink a glass of water first and see if you still gets the craving.
If you’re working then packing your lunch to work is a great idea along with a bunch of snacks to keep you satisfied all day. Here’s a list of food helps in achieving your desire weight.