Mir Rehmat Saleh Baloch: Healthy and educated Balochistan in best interests of people

  • April 6, 2015, 10:40 pm
  • Breaking News

HQ City Report

QUETTA: The Provincial Minister for Health, Mir Rehmat Saleh Baloch has said that healthy and educated Balochistan is in the best interest of its people, and the government is taking strides to achieve that goal.
This, he stated while addressing the ceremony of distribution of permanent orders of appointment among the lady health workers in the Divisional Headquarter Hospital Loralai the other day.
The Minister said that it is included in priorities of the government to resolve the issues of health, education, unemployment besides the law and order. So, sincere efforts are being made in this regard, he maintained.
He also said that development and prosperity of the nations depends on good education and health of the people. Law and order is equally important for development, so realizing the fact, certain strides have been made, he mentioned.
Mir Rehmat Saleh Baloch said that the government is also sincere in resolving the basic issues of the masses. He termed the issuance of orders of recruitments to the lady health workers and teachers as a big achievement and said that now it is their responsibility to serve the masses with dedication and sincerity.
Also attended the ceremony was by the Advisor to Chief Minister for Forests, Ubaidullah Jan Babat, DHO Loralai, Dr. Nasarullah Ghilzai, Dr. Noor Muhammad Qazi and others.