Women Chamber congratulates Kulsoom Parveen
- March 15, 2015, 9:36 pm
- Breaking News
QUETTA Mar 15 (PPI): Women Chamber of Commerce and Industry Balochistan cabinet met here the other day.
Founder member Mrs Fehmeeda Kausar Jamali, Vice President Uzma Khalid, Executive member Razia Habib, Shamshad Mir, Ambreen Aftab and other members attended.
Mrs Fehmeda Jamali whle congratulating Kulsoom Parveen on her election as Senator expressed hoep tht she would take measures for pvoding job opportunities for women of Bachistan. It would help women their welfare and resolving their proboems besides popularizing their domestic produce.
She sid no doubt Kulsoom Parveen?s services fo Women chmber areappreciable and she wouldtake steps for guidingwomen in coming days.
Women members? of Chamber [put forth some suggestions and proposals which were given detailed consideration and agreed for comprehensive measures to implement them.