Judiciary chained today-Akhtar Mengal

  • March 10, 2015, 5:51 pm
  • Breaking News

QUETTA(PPI): Lawyers and poetical workers have to come to the field again for independent and clean judiciary. Unless judiciary and parliament is independent democracy cannot be strong and country cannot make development. There are only talks of independence of Judiciary and parliament. Judiciary is still chained today.
This was stated by President Balochistan National party and former provincial Chief Minister Sardar Akthar Mengal while addressing lawyers of Balochistan High Court Bar Association here Monday.
He said political workers and lawyers rendered sacrifices for judiciary, it could not come to our expectation because poor were not getting justice today rather they get tired by visiting courts time and gain. He said we need not such judiciary.
He said despite courts remarks on recovery of mutilated dead bodies and disappearing people is regrettable. Those whose near and dear ones were disappeared and mutilated dead bodies were found had great expectations with judiciary and every one sate in the house with sure they would get justice. But contrary to this still dead bodies were found and people were disappeared.
Akthar Mengal asked political parties and lawyers to star preparations from now for completely independent judiciary as there is need for coming on roads for independent judiciary. He said independence of judiciary and supremacy of Parliament lawyers and political workers struggled but people could not get fruit of it. He said we are passing through struggle process. We are listening talks of independence of judiciary and parliament but judiciary was still chained.
He said unless citizens are not free in the country judiciary and parliament cannot b e called independent.
He aid people are deprived of basic facilities of health, education and water. He was of the view law and order is the biggest responsibility of rulers but it become more serious with allocation of huge allocations in the budget for it. He said under a planned conspiracy situation was being deteriorated in the province. Its traditions were hurt and people were being pitched against each other under a conspiracy. He aid law and order situation is deteriorated. Despite government forces people are forced to engage private security guards.
He said a petition for the recovery of missing persons and law and order was filed by lawyers in the Supreme Court but everyone knows its fate.