Demonstration against killing of Polio workers, Levies men

  • March 3, 2015, 10:54 am
  • Breaking News

ZHOB(PPI): Killing of Polio workers and Levies officials is due to ignorance of administration and Health Department. Para Medical Staff announced boycott of polio drive till action against responsible.
According to details a demonstration w as staged in front of Zhob Press Club Monday to protest killing of four polio workers and levies men in Toda Kibzai.
Addressing on the occasion President All Pakistan Paramedical Staff Association Zhob Muhammad Tahir Hotak and others expressing concerned over the killing of four persons including polio workers and Levies men said this murder is result of ignorance of administration and health Department Zhob. He said at present one hour strike was being observed at DHQ hospital which would be expanded to whole of Balochistan if responsible fo the incident were not transferred and action taken against them. They expressed regret government did not take any action against them so far.