Amir JI Balochistan
- February 23, 2015, 9:52 pm
- Breaking News
QUETTA Feb 23 (PPI): Supremacy of Justice and Merit is imperative for progress and prosperity. Unjust action against innocent people, Afghans with turban and beard, madaris under the cover of Peshawar incident is not acceptable.
This was stated by Amir Jamaat Islami Balochistan Abdul Mateen Akhundzada while chairing a high level meeting at JI Provincial Secretariat here Monday.
Naib Amir Abdul Haq Hashmi, Secretary General Bashir Ahmed Mandai and others attended.
Meeting while terming Sibi Gathering as good sign said such training session would be held every year at Sibi.
Meeting decided that launching of book authored by Abdul Haq Hashmi would be held on March1 at Quetta, while Amir and Secretary General JI would carry out visits of Nasirabad Division from March 6 to 9, and on March 15 organisational tour of Kalat. Amir JI Pakistan Sirajul Haq would visit Gwadar on March 20.
Akhundzada said change in Gwadar-Kashgar Corridor is not acceptable at any cost. It should not be made controversial as Kala Bagh Dam. We would not allow removing Quetta and Zhob form this Corridor.
He said peaceful educational atmosphere is need of all. Special attention should also be paid on tree plantation. Not only tree plantation but look after their proper nourishing is also need.
He said attention should also be paid on problems of provincial capital. There are numerous problems of non cleanliness, education, health, merit and law and order. He called for sincere efforts at the government level for security to life and property of citizens.