Mother Languages’ Day celebrations: “Promotion of mother languages key for development”

  • February 21, 2015, 10:20 pm
  • Breaking News

HQ City Report

QUETTA: Development and promotion of mother languages is essential for progress of the country and nation so we need to pay attention towards them and ensure enforcement of the same in true letter and spirit.
This was stated in a statement issued here by the spokesman of National Party Balochistan here.
He said that the mother language is symbol and basic source of identity of the people, education and development and it is such a wealth of the culture and civilization that they remain associated with their society and land.
He said that no society, nation and country progresses until and unless the mother languages are preserved and developed through concerted steps.
The NP’s provincial spokesman said that the provincial government gave importance to the mother languages by including them in the syllabus and taking other conscious steps in this regard.
He mentioned that the UNESCO highlighted the importance of mother languages in 1999, and later the UN declared February 21 as the Mother Languages’ Day.
In the statement it was also stated that the educationists, intellectuals and scholars are unanimous that it is very necessary to impart education to the children in their respective own mother languages.
It was also urged to the media to play its effective role in promotion and development of mother languages.
Meanwhile, in a statement issued by the Pashtoonkhaw Milli Awami Party (PkMAP), it was stated that there is a dire need to promote mother languages as it is best tool for spread of education.
It was stated that the Pashtoon, Balochi, Sindhi, Siraiki and Bengali nations made wholehearted struggle for declaring their mother languages as the national languages.
The independent nations, which made mother languages the source of education in their respective countries by giving them the status of official languages, achieved the goals of development, it was maintained.