Mahmood Achakzai-Press
- February 17, 2015, 9:42 pm
- Breaking News
QUETTA Feb 17 (PPI): Terrorism is not our issue but it is problem of entire region. Even Iran and China are worried of it. It is our stand that only Pakistan and Afghanistan cannot resolve terrorism alone as there prevails some misunderstanding between two courtiers. Afghanistan has been destroyed due to terrorism. If political leaderships and intelligence agencies of Pakistan, Afghanistan, China and Iran make joint efforts then can end terrorism in three months. China is our friend but Afghanistan can become more natural ally. We have to find our wrong doings.
These views were expressed by Chairman Pahstoonkhwa Milli Awami Party Mahmood Khan Achakzai at a Press conference at his residence here Tuesday.
PMAP provincial ministers, Nawab Ayaz Jogezai, Dr Hamid Achakzai, Mustafa Tareen, Adviser Obedullah Babat, MPAs Liaqat Agha, Manzoor Kakar, William Barkat, Provincial President PMAP Osman Kakar, Raza Muhammad Raza, Mayor Metropolitan Corporation Dr Kaleemullah and others were also present.
He said point scoring was being made on Gwadar-Kashgar Corridor. It is economic corridor which would pass through Balochistan, Sindh, Punjab and Khyber Pashtoonkhwa. He said no province should be deprived of this Corridor as it is very necessary for changing their situation. As this route would also be closer to Central Asian States and Afghanistan they would also benefit from it. He said he has spoken to prime Minister that every one considers it was being left.
He said PMAP proposes that political parties should have a final say and a national consensus should be built on it.
He said there has been an impression Balochistan is a province where there is terrorism and law and order is deteriorated. People?s lives are in danger. But he said we are happy local bodies elections were held first of all in Balochistan. Similarly elections of Quetta Mayorship were also held in a peaceful atmosphere and no disturbance or killing took place. Our coalition government deserves congratulations over the successful holding of these elections, he added.
Now Senate elections are going to be held. It is our efforts no sale and purchase of votes is allowed. He said members involved in this process should be arrested.
H said he would ask Prime Minister there should be show of hands during elections.
He said NADRA has blocked over 50 thousand of CNICs of Pashtoon people. We are grieved over it. It seems as if our identity was being challenged. People are being teased. We are forced to take out procession against our own government in this regard.
According to UNHCR there are 3, 20, 000 cards are ready which should be given to Afghan refugees. Let them earn their livelihood. We are holding Press conference before situation goes worse.
Answering a question he said NADRAS is a federal department. To set it right is no problem. We can paralyse it. But we are striving for betterment. NADRA should resolve the problem.
Balochistan is common province of all of us. We would resolve differences with Baloch in an amicable manner. There should be merit for everything. Every one living on Balochistan soil irrespective of political affiliation, language is equal for us. They should point out our mistakes and we would correct them.
Replying to a query about Murree accord he was evasive but added he said he cannot speak truth.
He said government decision to shut Reko Diq project is correct. He said Sui gas was found in Balochistan was being used in length and width of Pakistan but the area from where it is being mined i.e Sui women are derived of this facility and use firewood as fuel.
He said we want a Pakistan where Parliament is fountainhead of all powers and it should take decisions. Countries are run with the power of masses. He prayed May our Armed forces and agencies are the best in the world.
Answering another question he said after new government in Afghanistan nearly 10 million children have been admitted into the schools.
He said when Parliament passed military courts bill he deliberately wore black cloth. It is not transparent democracy.
Answering another question he said we are comparatively satisfied with the performance of the provincial government but it is not ideal position. There are weaknesses and we have to minimize them