'Skunk-like cannabis' increases risk of psychosis, study

  • February 17, 2015, 6:34 pm
  • Breaking News

HQ City Desk

QUETTA: Smoking potent cannabis was linked to 24% of new psychosis cases analysed in a study by King's College London.
The research suggests the risk of psychosis is three times higher for users of potent "skunk-like" cannabis than for non-users.
The study of 780 people was carried out by KCL's Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience.
A Home Office spokesman said the report underlines the reasons why cannabis is illegal.
Scientists found the risk of psychosis was five times higher for those who use it every day compared with non-users.
They also concluded the use of hash, a milder form of the drug, was not associated with increased risk of psychosis.
Psychosis refers to delusions or hallucinations that can be present in certain psychiatric conditions such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.
Risk increased 'threefold':
"Compared with those who had never tried cannabis, users of high potency skunk-like cannabis had a threefold increase in risk of psychosis,' said Dr Marta Di Forti, lead author on the research.
She added: "The results show that psychosis risk in cannabis users depends on both the frequency of use and cannabis potency."
Dr Di Forti told BBC Radio 4's Today programme that the availability of skunk-like cannabis was becoming more widespread.
'I was a wreck':
Cath from Berkshire, who asked to remain anonymous, believes smoking skunk caused her to experience mental health problems.
"I dabbled with a friends' group in my early 20s, and went from someone who had never experienced any mental health issues whatsoever, to an absolute wreck.
"I was terrified of leaving the house, and I became petrified of death, of the mysteries of the universe, and of being alone. You name it, I was terrified of it.
"It took about six years to feel normal again and now, almost 20 years later, I have absolutely no doubt that my issues were triggered by casually and naively smoking this so called 'soft' drug.
"For years I have shuddered as campaigners have sought to declassify or promote the product as I understand first-hand the hidden yet, until now, unspoken dangers of this awful drug."
"In London, it's very difficult to find anything else," Dr Di Forti said.
"There were lots of reports from police across the UK saying we have become a great producer of skunk. And not only do we use it locally but we export, so this is a Made in England product."
Someone suffering from psychosis would often be "extremely paranoid and become very suspicious" about the people around them, she added.
She has called for "a clear public message" to cannabis users, comparable to medical advice on alcohol and tobacco.
GPs should be encouraged to ask how often and what type of cannabis patients use, she added,
A Home Office spokesman said the findings backed up the government's approach: "Drugs such as cannabis are illegal because scientific and medical evidence demonstrates they are harmful.
"This report serves to emphasise how they can destroy lives and communities."