Nawab Bugti murder case hearing adjourned till Feb 25

  • February 4, 2015, 9:31 pm
  • Breaking News

QUETTA Feb 4 (PPI): Special Court for Anti Terrorism accepted request of former President Pervez Musharraf for exemption from appearance here Wednesday and adjourned the hearing till February 25.
According to details Aftab Ahmed Lone Judge Special Anti Terrorism Court heard Nawab Bugti murder case here today.
Former interior minister Aftab Sherpao and former home minister Shoaib Nosherwani appeared in the court.
Former President and main accused Pervez Musharraf did not appear.
Prosecution lawyer was of the view that request for exemption is made at every hearing. Pervez Musharraf has applied for going to Saudi Arabia. Distance of Saudi Arabia form Karachi is of four hours while for Quetta it takes just one hour. If he can go to Saudi Arabia why can?t he come to Quetta.
Learned court expressed anger over non constitution of medical board for medical examination of Perez Musharraf. On the query of Court Director General Health Balochistan said that request for constituting medical board for examination of the accused has been sent to Secretary Health.
Court remarked that six weeks time was sought for constitution of medical board which was quite enough. Court has received a letter about formation of medical board form Sindh government. It says a member has refused to join medical board. Judge said infact you have no contact with each other and thus do not put responsibility on each other. Dispose off the matter at the earliest by contacting other side.
After court?s anger D G Health sought four weeks time which the court refused.
Court accepted exemption from appearance for one day and adjourned the hearing till February 25.