Sardar Rind speaks

  • January 30, 2015, 11:33 am
  • Breaking News

SIBI Jan 29 (PPI): Unannounced load shedding in Kachhi, Sibi, Nasirabad and Jaffarabad is economic murder of local people. It should be ended immediately and supply of electricity should be started from Uch Power-II to these areas.
This was stated by Chief of Rind tribes and former Federal Minister Sardar Yar Muhammad Rind in an interview with PPI Thursday.
He aid suspension of electricity supply in districts of Kachhi, Sibi, Nasirabad, Jaffarabad for several days is unbearable. Mainstay of people in these areas is only agriculture only. In absence of electricity this sector was badly affecting and local people were suffering millions of Rupees of losses on daily basis. He sid years long load shedding in the above areas has become very serious. Due to long load shedding there is no water at the mosques, orchards have destroyed, routine life has mostly affected. There is dark at the nights and people are very much perturbed at the homes and hospitals.
Excesses of QESCO have forced people to come to the roads. He said this drama in Kachhi, Sibi, Nasirabad and Jaffarabad should end now. Despite payment of electricity bills in time non supply of electricity is beyond understanding. It seems under a conspiracy our agriculture areas were being destroyed.
He said federal and provincial governments realizing their responsibility should resolve people?s problems. He said our peaceful protest should not be taken as our weakness and appropriate measures should be taken for supply fo electricity.