CM-World Brahvi Adabi conference

  • January 18, 2015, 9:52 pm
  • Breaking News

QUETTA Jan 18 (PPI): We love all the languages spoken in Balochistan. Preservation, promotion of national languages is our responsibility. Balochi and Brahvi are languages of Baloch nation. Measures of imparting education in national languages not only lessened the danger of distinction of languages spoken in Balochistan but now these would speedily develop.
These views were expressed by Balochistan Chief Minister Dr Abdul Malik Baloch while addressing closing session of 2-day Adabi Conference about Brahvi language and culture in Islamabad Sunday.
He said organisign such conference on Brahvi language and culture is good sign and positive move for the promotion and development of Brahvi language and culture. He said we not only love Balochi, Brahvi, Sindhi, Saraiki, Persian and other languages spoken in Balochistan but their promotion and development is our responsibility. He said Baloch nation speaks Brahvi and Balochi languages and we are taking serious measures for the developmentof these languages. He said rovincial government by deciding imparting education in national languages has provided security to them. He said some peoel are of the view these languages are at the verge of distinction but today?s cofnernece negates their views. Because in several countries including Germany a research was being carried out on Brahvi language and culture. He asked writers, intellects to play their role on research on the language and culture besides poetry.
Dr Malik Baloch said annual grant for Balochi,Brahvi and Pashto Academies has been increased to Rupees 10 million each.
He announces Rupees two million for meeting expenses of International Brahvi Language and Culture conference and provision of land for building Brahvi Academy.
He assured that matter of including Brahvi in CSS examination would be taken up with Federal government.
Dr Alex Zito, David Barron (USA), Dr Danil Zipico (Mexico), Dr Resna Bashir (UAE), Chairman Brahvi Academy Salahuddin Mengal, Vice chancellor Allama Iqbal Open University Dr Shahid Siddiqi, Dr Tariqur Rehman, Station Director Radio Pakistan Sultan Ahmed Shahwani, Professor Semeen Naghmana Tahir and intellectuals and Columnists from Balochistan, Sindh, Punjab and Khyber Pashtoonkhwa read out their papers.