JUI leaders speak

  • January 15, 2015, 9:51 pm
  • Breaking News

QUETTA Jan 15 (PPI): Linking terrorism and deeni madaris is in fact conspiracy for implementation of western agenda. Workers of religious parties would not allow it to succeed. Government do take action against terrorists but targeting madaris and innocent pole would not be tolerated at any cost.
These views were expressed by Provincial Secretary General JUI and former Speaker Balochistan Assembly Malik Sikandar Khan, District President Shabab Milli Fazal Muhammad Noorzai and others during talks here Thursday.
They said acts of terrorism were taking place in our country as elsewhere in the world. Religious parties strongly condemned them and demanded action against terrorists. It is regretted that when incidents of terrorism happen, government instead of taking action against terrorism holds religious madaris for them. They made it clear that linking terrorism and deeni madaris is a clear conspiracy of following Western Agenda which the y particularly JUI would never tolerate.
He said government should take action against terrorists but deeni madaris should be not held responsible nor we would tolerate it. If action was taken against deeni madaris and innocent people in the name of terrorism we would strongly protest.
He advised the government to trace down real terrorists by using all official machinery because in other case situation may become worse.