announces to increase load shedding duration
- January 7, 2015, 10:35 am
- Breaking News
QUETTA Jan 6 (PPI): Quetta Electric Supply Company (QESCO) has announced to enhance load shedding period in Balochistan in view of shortage of supply and its quota.
QESCO Sources said here Tuesday that under the schedule load shedding period has been increased by one hour in Quetta, two hours at all district headquarters and another one hour at the agri and rural feeders.
QESCO Sources added that total demand of electricity in the province except Mekran is 1650 mw while supply is only 500 mw thus there is shortfall of 1150 mw. To meet this demand and shortage in supply load shedding period has been enhanced under load management. Under new schedule there will be load shedding form 4 to 6 hours daily in Quetta, 10 hours daily at the district headquarters while 4 to 5 hours in different time to agri and rural feeders.
Sources added on increase of quota and situation coming to normal old schedule would be observed and additional load shedding would be ended. Due to increasing demand and shortage of supply QESCO system has become overloaded and tripping and low voltage problem was being observed in different areas.
QESCO has appealed to all its consumers to use electricity according to their need and close unnecessary appliances so that all the consumers are ensure electricity supply.