Adviser-Majlis Sotul Islam
- December 18, 2014, 9:47 pm
- Breaking News
QUETTA Dec 18 (PPI): Peshawar tragedy is a black chapter through which attempt was made to deface Islam. There is no such example of brutality. Madaris have no link with terrorism and subversion. Islam even guarantees to rights of animals.
These views were expressed by Adviser to Chief Minister on Finance Khalid Langav while addressing a big gathering organsied by Sotul Islam Pakistan here Thursday.
Chairman Sotul Islam Mufti Abu Huraira Mohiuddin, Dr Syed Abdul Malik , Mufti Idris Soomro, President Press Club Razaur Rehman and others also spoke.
Speakers said martyrdom of over 140 students, teachers and staff and injuries to over 150 of Army Public School in Peshawar is strongly condemned. Terrorists by their dirty act have proved they want open war with Islamic World and Pakistan. This gather of today announces that this brutal step of terrorists is not only bad stain on Pakistan but Islamic nation as well. Those who have committed this have no concern with Islam. They are unable to understand true message of brotherhood and peace of Holy Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) and Islam. Islam teaches lesson of peace and harmony and tolerance. Holy Prophet (PBUH) has prohibited from causing harm to women, children and aged people of enemies during holy Jihad and even from cutting trees and crops. But it is regrettable terrorists were killing innocent children and women in the name of Islam. IN fact they are stooges and agents of enemies of Islam and Pakistan.
This gathering expresses sympathy and condolences with relatives of children and others martyred in Peshawar tragedy and hopes that their blood would not go waste and it would become reason for unity, brotherhood and peace in the country.
It demands of Government, Army and other concerned agencies and authoritative forces to take stringent action against terrorists irrespective of colour, creed, religion, faith. All elements involved in terrorism internally and externally should be taken to task.
Majlis Sotul Islam has created awareness against terrorism in the country. It has organised two international peace conventions.