Netherlands contributes to improve law enforcement
- November 20, 2014, 9:52 pm
- Breaking News
QUETTA Nov 20 (PPI): Ambassador of Netherlands Marcel De Vink and Cease Guedes United nations Office on Drugs and Crime visited Police Lines here Thursday to discuss UNODC?s important initiative to reinforce Balochistan?s Criminal Justice System with the support of Government of Netherlands.
Netherlands Govt has contributed 2.5 million dollars in four year programme with government of Balochistan targeting drugs and crime issues with UNODC as the implementing partner.
UNODC?s Country Programme 2010-15 was developed in particularly to support implementation of drug control strategy of the government of Pakistan. It targets three critical and interdependent areas of development assistance: (i) trafficking and border management, (ii) criminal justice and (iii) drug demand reduction and HIV/AIDS prevention. In order to counter trafficking and strengthen border management, UNODC works with the government to empower Pakistan law enforcement and regulatory agencies to reduce trafficking and improve the management of borders.
Ambassador Marcel De Vink in a meeting with Ehsan Mehboob Additional IG Balochistan Police said Pakistan faces a complex crime situation particularly to the region due to its unique geographical location, characterized by both conventional and trans organised crime. To fight against such offences, it is necessary to deploy the latest equipment and implement international and national best practices. He was pleased therefore to support the Balochistan Police by providing Crime Scene Investigation (CSI) training on international bet practices aimed at addressing gaps in crime scene awareness, physical evidence detection, collection and investigation. The training which is now provided at the Police Training College with the assistance of Netherlands Government is delivered in modern classrooms with online facilities. This training also recognises the role and responsibilities of First Responders at the crime scene that are considered important to the preservation of evidence.
Cease Guedes thanked Marcel De Vink for the support provided by his government to UNODC Pakistan Country Programme, especially to activities in the province of Balochistan. He also appreciated the engagement of Inspector General of Police for his partnership in the programme and facilitating the visit to the training Centre. He also empahasised that police programme recognizes that access to justice is fundamental for the stability of Pakistan as it could improve trust between citizens and law enforcement institutions, in particular police by building confidence in civil society for a better criminal justice system more capable fair and just.
Marcel De Vink thanked Additional Inspector Generla Balcohistna police and said he is satisfied to see that these initiatives implemented by UNODC together with Balcohsitna Gvoernment provide an opportunity to improve cooperation with provincial authoritieis as they build their capacities to promote and implement police, prosecutors, prisons and community correctional services.