Rain razes kutcha houses, nullahs flooded

  • August 12, 2014, 9:54 pm
  • Breaking News

MUSAKHEL aug 12 (PPI): Rains coupled with strong winds razed several kutcha houses and flooded nullah sweeping away agri bundat.
According to details rains and strong winds lashed Zamri, Kot Khan Muhammad, Toni Sar, Tangi Sar, Sara Khwa and Gharo where nullahs were flooded. Due to water currents several animals were swept away. Flood water caused damaged to agri lands in the area. zamindars told bundant along their lands were broken but there was no report of any human injury or casualty from anywhere.
Flood water was standing in low lying areas of the city and these areas turned into ponds and lakes. If immediate steps were not taken for flow of flood water it would create serious problems for the people. There is also apprehension development of mosquitoes causing health problems of the citizens.