Secretary Federal Ombudsman-Press

  • July 18, 2014, 9:59 pm
  • Breaking News

QUETTA July 18 (PPI): Effective measures were being adopted for addressing people?s complaints about federal institutions. All pending cases upto 2013 have been disposed off at Federal Mohtasib Regional office Quetta. Most of the complaints were about NADRA, Passport and Immigration and Quetta Electricity Supply Company.
This was stated by Secretary Federal Ombudsman (Mohtasib) Agha Nadeem at a press conference here Friday.
He said Ombudsman Regional Office was established in 1985 in Quetta. This office was established under Presidential ordinance 1983. Prime objective of this office is to provide relief to the masses about their complaints.
He aid there is no problem for filing complaint with the offices of Federal Ombudsman. It is very simple. Neither any fee has to pay not any lawyer is needed. Complainant can personally file his application of his complaint with the office of Ombudsman. He said 400 complaints were heard in 2013. Of these most of the complaints were about NADRA, second number was of complaints was about Passport and Immigration and then QESCO.
According to record all these cases have been implemented. He aid there is provision under the law if complainant or institution is not satisfied with decision of investigation officer it can file appeal with Federal Ombudsman in Islamabad. Federal Ombudsman personally hears such appeals. If complaint or institution has reservation over the decision of Federal Ombudsman they can file their stand before President of Pakistan.
Secretary Federal Ombudsman said during the past decade Federal Ombudsman heard about one million cases and decided them. Of these only 600 cases were placed before President of Pakistan which is less than one percent.
He said after 1983 ordinance laws of Federal Ombudsman Regulations came into existence which improved the procedure to dispose off the cases still better. Decisions to applications filed were meant to be decided within 60 days. Keeping this in view Federal Ombudsman Salman Farooqi disposed off all the cases. All cases in Quetta upto September 2013 were decided.
He said steps were being taken for the appointment of senior officers to further improve regional offices. He aid Federal Ombudsman would open more regional offices so that dispensation of justice to the people is easily available.
Agha Nadeem said Federal Mohtasib can hear complaint against such Federal institution or any other which has been allowed by Government of Pakistan to work or it has share of Government of Pakistan or it was being run with the funds of Government of Pakistan.
He said from 2011 to 2014 complaints about various organisations were registered. Of these 1268 complaints have been decided so far.
He said purpose of Quetta visit was to decided cases at the earliest to provide relief. He aid during the past two days 67 cases have been decided. Now there is no pending case of 2013. He said in view of people?s complaint regional offices have been opened at Hyderabad and Abbotabad. He said more regional offices would be opened in Balochistan where there are maximum complaints of people.