CM Punjab Takes Notice of Cholistan Drought reports

  • March 18, 2014, 7:38 pm
  • National News

LAHORE, Mar 18 (Online): Chief Minister Punjab Shahbaz Sharif has taken notice of media reports suggesting a drought like situation in Cholistan.
Media had reported that after drought hit the district of Tharparkar in Sindh, a similar situation seems to be developing in Cholistan, Punjab, where people have started to migrate to other areas.
With no regular rainfall since 2010, the vegetation and livestock in the desert are under threat – the remains of animals that have died of hunger and thirst dot the landscape of Cholistan.
Migrations have begun to other areas as grazing lands are parched and as fodder becomes scarce. Moreover, reservoirs of water have dried up due to extreme aridity.
An alternative water distribution system is in place in Cholistan but this system is closed for the last six years.
Taking notice of the situation the CM has summoned report from Cholistan Development Authority about the situation there.

He has also constituted a high level committee, comprising provincial ministers, Chief Secretary, member BOR and others, and asked them to proceed to Cholistan and submit report.