ICAP enters into an agreement with NTS

  • February 16, 2014, 7:58 pm
  • Education News

KARACHI, Feb 16 (Online): The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Pakistan (ICAP) has entered into an agreement with National Testing Service Pakistan (NTS).

Under the agreement, ICAP will use NTS’s test centers for the conduct of computer based examinations in nine cities of Pakistan.

These examinations are being introduced under the new education scheme for all papers of the introductory module Assessment of Fundamental Competencies (AFC) which would be effective from September 2014 examinations.

Introduction of these examinations will restructure the Chartered Accountancy qualification by incorporating latest developments in curriculum and syllabus.

The new structure will further equip the students to undertake the contemporary and forth coming challenges of business, finance and economy with more advanced knowledge and skills.

Vice President ICAP Riaz A Rahman Chamdia, Council Members Syed Najamul Hussain and YacoobSuttar, Secretary ICAP Khalid Rahman, Chief Executive Officer NTS Dr. Haroon Rashid, Additional Director Tahir Maqbool Khakwani, senior officials of ICAP and NTS were present on the occasion of signing of the agreement.