Cold grips Balochistan

  • February 8, 2014, 9:17 pm
  • Breaking News

QUETTA Feb 8 (PPI): A cold weather gripped Quetta Valley and other parts of Balochistan Saturday in the wake of week long rain and snow. Minimum temperature slashed to minus Celsius today.
According to details Quetta Valley and major parts of Balochistan remained in the grip fo rainy and snowy weather for last one week. Weather became cold when this weather passed from there. Now dry continental air prevails over the region.
Cold wave slashed minimum temperature to minus 10 Celsius Saturday in Quetta valley. Minimum temperature recorded in Ziarat was minus !2 Celsius today.
Water freezed in water pipes and nullas causing serious problems for people particularly house wives.
Water frozen along roads and streets also caused skidding of motorcycles and bicycles.
Met office has forecast cold and dry weather during the coming 24 hours.