PU awards four PhD degrees

  • January 3, 2014, 8:45 pm
  • Education News

LAHORE, January 03 (Online): Punjab University has awarded four PhD degrees to the scholars.

The scholars include Aneela Saleem, daughter of Muhammad Saleem in the subject of Urdu after approval of her thesis entitled “Jabir Ali Sayyed Hayat aur Adabi Khidmaat”, Noor Zaman, son of Gul Jehan in the subject of Mycology & Plant Pathology after approval of his thesis entitled “Management of Root Rot of Arachis Hypogaea L. in Rainfed Areas of Punjab”, Fauqia Rashid, daughter of Badar Rashid in the subject of Mycology & Plant Pathology after approval of her thesis entitled “Identification, Characterization and Distribution of Phytoplasmal Diseases of Potato in Pakistan” and Faiza Jabeen, daughter of Akhtar Hussain in the subject of Zoology after approval of her thesis entitled “Potential of Thermophilic Chitinolytic Bacteria for Making Termite Resistant Chipboard”.