PTI to block NATO supplies at 3 points
- November 19, 2013, 8:18 pm
- National News
LAHORE, 19 Nov (Online): PTI has announced that it had evolved a new strategy to block NATO supplies, according to which supplies would be blocked at three simultaneous points on 23rd November.
Party sources have announced that PTI chairman Imran Khan would chair a major gathering at Peshawar’s Ring Road on 23rd November, which would also be addressed by Sheikh Rashid and other senior leaders.
It has been announced that immediately after the end of gathering, party activists and participating masses would proceed to block NATO supplies from the destined points by special groups formed for the purpose.
In the first phase, the supplies would be blocked at Ring Road junction’s 3 points, to be followed by another such blockade at Pak-afghan border, by nearly 50,000 expected participants.
All necessary security measures in this connection are being reportedly taken.