PR executing project for rehabilitation of HGMU-30 locomotives
- September 15, 2013, 3:44 pm
- Business News
ISLAMABAD, Sep 15 (APP): Pakistan Railways, as part of
measures to improve its overall performance, is executing a project
for rehabilitation of HGMU-30 locomotives, as five locomotives are
expected to be rolled out and will be available by June next.
Two locomotives per month after that will be rehabilitated and
inducted in freight operation.
According to the Department, a separate project
- Special Repair of 150 Running Locomotives - was got approved
during 2012-13 under Public Sector Development Programme (PSDP) as
it will decrease the burden of locomotive maintenance on revenue
It has also inducted GMU-30 locomotives in its system by to
help generate revenue of Rs.4.416 million per annum by
transportation of oil.
The operation of freight trains has been restored to the
extent of operation of two trains on daily basis from Karachi Port
to up-country.
It is expected that these trains will be increased to 8-10
on daily basis on availability of locomotives at the end of current
financial year.
It said in case of offering of less oil traffic, Pakistan
Railways will focus on operation of container trains to generate
revenue of Rs.3.8 billion per annum.
The revenue earning during July 2013 has increased to
the tune of Rs.178.724 million over the corresponding period
of previous financial year i.e July 2012. The increase in earnings
is mainly due to reduction in fares of passenger trains.
Punctuality of trains has been improved by 3% in July 2013 and
constantly being observed while efforts are also underway to improve
the punctuality further with availability of fit locomotives.
All non-productive expenses have been stopped and
expenditures are being incurred in accordance with available
resources i.e revenue generation and government subsidy.
The incurrence of expenditures other than salary/pension,
fuel and utilities are subject to cash release by Ministry of
The officers, presently, on long-leave have been called back
to join their assignments in their respective fields while dedicated
officers are being posted on important operational posts to increase
the efficiency of Pakistan Railways.
Transport facility has been monetized for senior officers
of Pakistan Railways and only commercially viable trains are being