Mushahid urges government to join hands with CARS

  • October 14, 2013, 9:47 pm
  • Business News

ISLAMABAD, Oct 14 (Online): Chairman Standing Committee of Senate for Defense and Defense Production, Mushahid Hussain Syed has said that if government wants big investment than it should join hands with economically sound Central Asian Republics (CARS).

“Government should not move on towards economically weak states and this should be principle of foreign policy”, he added.

Syed was talking to media here in Parliament house after returning from Azerbaijan on Monday.

Standing committee’s chairman said that Azerbaijan had solved load shedding and line losses’ problem just in ten years, adding Azerbaijan installed prepaid smart meters that are similar to SIM card.

“Pakistan can take benefit from Azerbaijan’s experience as president, foreign and defense ministers showed interest in Pakistan”, Mushahid Hussain Syed.

He added that delegation of eight politicians from six different political parties had traveled to Azerbaijan to monitor elections there, adding total 130 personalities were invited across the globe.

Syed appreciated the electoral procedure of Central Asian State and termed it a good trend.

He added that it could be judged through exit poll that who is winning and cameras have been installed inside polling station.

“Online monitoring system was established there for elections,” chairman committee said.

Mushahid Hussain Syed mentioned that President of Azerbaijan expressed solidarity towards Pakistan.

He added that in-charge Independent welfare fund, Masoom invited Pakistanis on dinner and informed that Azerbaijan have 35 billion $.

“We go to Washington and Germany but we can get benefit from neighboring Muslim states,” Syed suggested.

He informed that the Senate’s committee for defense would conduct seminar on Oct 24, adding he disclosed that former Australian Foreign Minister would deliver lecture in the end of seminar.