Balochistan govt enjoys people’s support: HRCP

  • October 13, 2013, 8:46 pm
  • National News

ISLAMABAD, Oct 13 (Online): The Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP) said the coalition government in Balochistan has considerable goodwill and support from the people that would help steer the province out of the challenges that have long hounded it.

A report of a fact-finding mission to Balochistan released on Sunday said despite threats from insurgents asking the people to stay away from the elections‚ even the political parties that had boycotted the 2008 elections had contested the May 2013 elections and the people had voted in those elections‚ clearly giving the verdict on the manner in which they wanted to be governed.

It was also a resounding vote for democracy and ending the bloodshed in the province.
The report said law and order in Balochistan remained dismal. Women were particularly fearful and live in perpetual intimidation by extremist forces. It said there are credible reports of continued serious human rights violations‚ including enforced disappearance of people.

HRCP called upon the authorities to immediately ensure that all victims of disappearance are accounted for without delay.

The Commission demanded that Standard operating procedures should be developed and publicized on rules of engagement of the security forces and the intelligence agencies operating in the province.

It said key development projects in Balochistan must be taken up without any further delay and completed at the earliest. HRCP is convinced that the people of Balochistan fully support the restoration of peace and political stability in the province.

Baloch insurgents must respect the wishes of the people and cease their attacks on innocent civilians. It said there is an opportunity for Baloch insurgents to embrace the new realities that are being presented through the democratic process.

HRCP urged the government of Balochistan to appoint a human rights adviser to the Chief Minister with the mandate to improve the full range of human rights of the citizens of Balochistan.

The report said there is an urgent need to lift the morale of the police force. The report point out that it is high time to do away with the distinction between 'A' and 'B' areas in Balochistan.

HRCP urged all religious minority groups to set up a common platform to raise their demands and carry out other joint actions to protect the rights of religious minorities.

HRCP hoped the media to play its role in highlighting events and developments taking place in Balochistan and give appropriate coverage to human rights‚ governance and other issues.

The Commission said efforts must be redoubled to check the free flow of weapons in the province. The provincial capital‚ Quetta‚ must be made a weapons-free zone in particular.

HRCP believes that talks should be initiated with Baloch insurgents both within and outside the country.