Xpress Money’s H.O.P.E platform supports Pakistani Peace Walker’s initiative

  • October 9, 2013, 6:27 pm
  • Business News

ISLAMABAD, Oct 09 (Online): Xpress Money, as part of its global CSR campaign H.O.P.E, felicitated Kharlzada Kasrat Rai for his 117-day peace walk from Karachi, to Makkah.
Xpress Money’s CSR platform H.O.P.E stands for ‘Helping Our People and Environment’ and focuses on inclusive social intervention and community support programs across the world. Kharlzada Kasrat Rai started his journey on June 07, 2013 and reached KSA on October 01, 2013.
Kharlzada Kasrat Rai, holder of two world records and three national records, aims to promote peace between nations across the globe. He started from Karachi and travelled through Afghanistan, Iran, Jordan and finally concluded his expedition in Saudi Arabia, after a journey of 6387 kilometers. Xpress Money felicitated him with a memento during a ceremony at the Pakistan Consulate in Jeddah, KSA.
Appreciating his effort, Rizwan Hamdani, Country Manager – Pakistan, Xpress Money said, “With all the unrest and distress that the world faces today, it is remarkable to see a single person take on an expedition in hope of peace and harmony in the world. At Xpress Money, we believe in rising above materialistic needs by helping causes such as these that aspire for a better tomorrow. We salute Mr. Kharlzada Kasrat Rai’s perseverance and are happy to be associated with this noble initiative.”
On his achievement, Kharlzada Kasrat Rai said, “This unique walk to Makkah for global peace was because the city signifies peace and tranquility. Having traversed through turbulent roads of aggression and violence, I deemed it righteous to culminate it at a place from where Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be upon Him) preached peace and equality to whole mankind.”